- Pain Relief – Acute & Chronic
- Burns & Contracture
- Spinal Conditions
- Nerve Injury
- Postherpetic Neuralgia
- Sciatica
- Lumbago
- Arthritis – Rheumatoid & Osteo
- Sports Injuries
- Epicondylitis
- Tendon & Ligament Injuries
- Bone Fractures
- Frozen Shoulder
- Whiplash & Neck Injury
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- TMJ Pain
- After Surgical Procedures
- After Dental Surgery
- Pulpitis
- After Liposuction
- Venous Stasis
- Lymphoedema
- Cellulitis
- Acupuncture – Non Invasive
- Nicotine Addiction
- Appetite Suppressant
- Tinnitus
- Ulcers
- Mucosa
- Dupuytrens
- Neurodermatitis
Acute Pain is currently defined as pain lasting less than 3 to 6 months or pain that is directly related to tissue damage. This is the kind of pain that is experienced from a paper cut or needle prick, touching a hot stove or iron, jamming one’s finger or labour pains.
Chronic Pain is generally defined as pain that lasts more than 3 to 6 months or beyond the point of tissue healing. Chronic pain is usually less directly related to identifiable tissue damage and structural problems. Examples of Chronic Pain include: chronic back pain without a clearly determined cause, cancer pain and arthritis pain.
Low Level Laser Therapy is highly effective in both chronic and acute pain management. Tender trigger points can be treated to rapidly release painful muscle spasms and facilitate less resistance to soft tissue manipulations. With regular treatment the hardened tissue will become softer and allow more freedom of movement. Low Level Laser Therapy rapidly reduces the pain, inflammation and joint swelling associated with various acute and chronic pains.
* Reduces associated swelling and inflammation
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Inhibits transference of neurotransmitters
* Stimulated production of Beta Endorphins
* Interferes with the production of prostaglandins
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
* Provides pain relief and earlier mobilisation
A Contracture Scar is a permanent tightening of skin that may affect the underlying muscles, tendons and ligaments and so limit mobility and possibly damage or degenerate the underlying nerves. Contractures develop when normal elastic connective tissues are replaced with inelastic fibrous tissue. This makes the tissues resistant to stretching and prevents normal movement of the affected area.
Low Level Laser Therapy reduces the pain and inflammation associated with burns and contracture. It aids in the healing process and encourages collagen production where this inelastic fibrous tissue would normally develop.
* Assists in burn repair and reduces associated scar contracture
* Improved immune response
* Earlier formation of new blood and lymph cells
* Enhances micro-circulation
* Stimulates proliferation of connective tissue and epithelial tissue
* Supports skin flaps and grafts by enhancing micro-circulation
* Reduces cellulitis
* Assists in the control of scar tissue formation
* Hypertrophic Scar reduction
* Keloid Scar inhibition and remodeling
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
* Regenerates skin and muscle
* Accelerates re-epithelialisation
* Encourages collagen production
The spinal cord runs through the centre of the bony spine from the base of the brain to the pelvis. It is like a system of telephone wires which conduct messages from the brain, through the nerves, to all parts of the body. Damage to the spinal cord can be due to various causes for example an accident, a tumour or a blood clot in the spinal cord.
Low Level Laser Therapy has an anti-inflammatory effect on the injured spinal cord and may reduce secondary injury, thus providing a possible mechanism by which Low Level Laser Therapy may result in axonal regeneration.
* Reduces associated swelling and inflammation
* Provides pain relief and earlier mobilisation
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Inhibits transference of neurotransmitters
* Stimulated production of Beta Endorphins
* Interferes with the production of prostaglandins
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
* Improvement of articular blood flow
Nerves serve as the “wires” of the body and carry information to and from the brain. Motor nerves carry messages from the brain to muscles to make the body move, while Sensory nerves carry messages to the brain from different parts of the body to signal pain, pressure and temperature. Nerves are fragile and can be damaged by pressure, stretching or cutting. Injury to a nerve can stop signals to and from the brain causing muscles not to work properly and you may lose feeling in the injured area.

Low Level Laser Therapy has been shown to rapidly reduce pain, swelling, bruising and significantly reduce healing time. Normal healing processes are accelerated and there is a decrease in the degeneration of injured nerves.
* Reduces associated swelling and inflammation
* Provides pain relief and earlier mobilisation
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Inhibits transference of neurotransmitters
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
Postherpetic Neuralgia is a painful condition affecting your nerve fibers and skin. It is a complication of shingles, a second outbreak of the varicella-zoster virus, which initially causes chickenpox. During an initial infection of chickenpox, some of the virus can remain in your system, lying dormant inside nerve cells. Years later through age, illness, stress, medications or simply for no apparent reason, the virus can be reactivated, causing shingles. Once reactivated, the virus travels along nerve fibers, causing pain. When the virus reaches your skin, it produces a rash and blisters. A case of shingles usually heals within a month, but some people continue to feel pain long after the rash and blisters heal. This pain is known as Postherpetic Neuralgia.

Postherpetic Neuralgia that persists long after a case of shingles has healed can be treated with Low Level Laser Therapy to decrease the degeneration of injured nerves and accelerate the normal healing processes.
* Reduces associated swelling and inflammation
* Provides pain relief and earlier mobilisation
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Inhibits transference of neurotransmitters
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
Pain that usually travels from the lower back down the sciatic nerve of the back of each leg is generally referred to as Sciatica and is fairly common. This pain can be caused when a nerve root in the lower spine that helps form the sciatic nerve is pinched or irritated. Sciatica is usually caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve from a herniated disc (a ruptured disc, pinched nerve, slipped disk, etc.) in the lumbar spine.

Low Level Laser Therapy rapidly reduces the pain, inflammation and joint swelling associated with Sciatica and aids in the speedier return of mobility and functionality.
* Reduces associated swelling and inflammation
* Provides pain relief and earlier mobilisation
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Inhibits transference of neurotransmitters
* Stimulated production of Beta Endorphins
* Interferes with the production of prostaglandins
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
Lumbago is described as mild to severe pain or discomfort in the area of the lower back. The pain can be acute or chronic. Such pain may be accompanied by symptoms that extend to the buttocks, thighs and legs. Lumbago may also be accompanied by other symptoms and signs such as loss of sensation and motor function in some areas and back stiffness.

Low Level Laser Therapy rapidly reduces the pain, inflammation and joint swelling associated with Lumbago and aids in the speedier return of mobility and functionality.
* Reduces associated swelling and inflammation
* Provides pain relief and earlier mobilisation
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Inhibits transference of neurotransmitters
* Stimulates production of Beta Endorphins
* Interferes with the production of prostaglandins
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
Arthritis is a group of conditions where there is damage caused to the joints of the body. There are many forms of arthritis, each of which has a different cause, but the two most common forms of arthritis are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis.
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disease in which the body is attacking itself. The symptoms that distinguish Rheumatoid Arthritis from other forms of arthritis are inflammation and soft-tissue swelling of many joints at the same time. The pain generally improves with use of the affected joints and there is usually stiffness of all joints in the morning that lasts over 1 hour, thus the pain of rheumatoid arthritis is usually worse in the morning.

OSTEOARTHRITIS is the most common form of arthritis and is often referred to as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis is a condition in which inflammation leads to pain of the joints, caused by the wearing of the cartilage that covers and acts as a cushion inside joints. As the bone surfaces become less protected by cartilage, you experience pain in weight bearing activities, including walking and standing which worsens throughout the day.

Low Level Laser Therapy offers safe and natural relief from arthritic pain being both Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis. There is a speedier reduction in pain, inflammation and joint swelling and an increased range of movement as the concentration of pain-producing chemicals in our body are naturally reduced.
* Improvement of articular blood flow
* Improves cartilage regeneration
* Reduces associated pain, swelling and inflammation
* Increases joint mobility
* Provides pain relief and earlier mobilisation
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Inhibits transference of neurotransmitters
* Stimulates production of Beta Endorphins
* Interferes with the production of prostaglandins
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
Warming up before exercise is the best way to reduce the risk of injury. Cold joints, tendons and muscles are more likely to get strained or sprained by sudden movement or exertion. Some Sports Injuries are due to improper stretching while others are accidental injuries during the activity. In either case it is important to diagnose and treat such injuries quickly to prevent further aggravation or damage to the specific area.
Low Level Laser Therapy is widely used in sports medicine. Sports injuries involving trauma to tissues, tendons and ligaments have an accelerated recovery through Low Level Laser Therapy, significantly reducing recovery time and the time it takes to turn a non weight bearing injury into a weight baring one.
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
Epicondylitis is when the outer part of the elbow becomes painful, tender and inflamed due to overuse and is commonly referred to as tennis or golf elbow. The outer part of the elbow is painful and tender to touch, the joint becomes inflamed and movements of the elbow which may include lifting, hurt.

Low Level Laser Therapy reduces the pain, inflammation and joint swelling associated with epicondylitis and aids in the speedier return of functionality.
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
* Improves cartilage regeneration
Tendons and Ligaments are soft collagenous tissues. Tendons connect muscles to bone and ligaments connect bone to bone. Overuse, strain and lack of exercise can cause muscles, tendons and ligaments to contract, twist, stretch and pull.
Low Level Laser Therapy rapidly reduces the pain, swelling, bruising and inflammation associated with tendon and ligament injuries.
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
A Bone Fracture is a medical condition in which a bone becomes cracked or splintered as a result of physical trauma, certain medical conditions that weaken the bones, such as osteoporosis or certain types of cancer. Both Non Union (failing to heal) and Small Bone (in the hand and foot) fractures can be treated with Low Level Laser Therapy.
Low Level Laser Therapy aids bone healing and osteo integration with prosthetics and other bio-implants. Low Level Laser Therapy rapidly reduces the pain, swelling, bruising and inflammation associated with bone fractures and aids in a speedier recovery from surgery with a reduction in possible scar formation.
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
* Accelerates the repair of the bones
* Assists in the control of scar tissue formation
* Hypertrophic Scar reduction
* Keloid Scar inhibition and remodeling
Frozen Shoulder is a disorder characterised by pain and loss of motion or stiffness in the shoulder. Frozen shoulder can develop after a shoulder is injured or immobilised for a period of time. The aching pain associated with frozen shoulder can be worsened with attempted motion and is usually located over the outer shoulder area and sometimes the upper arm.

Low Level Laser Therapy rapidly reduces the pain, inflammation and joint swelling associated with frozen shoulder.
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Inhibits transference of neurotransmitters
* Stimulates production of Beta Endorphins
* Interferes with the production of prostaglandins
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
Those in a motor vehicle accident may suffer a Whiplash injury to the neck, where the impact forces the head back and then forward at great speed. This can overstretch the neck and upper back region, resulting in a strain or tear to the supporting ligaments, muscles and discs and even irritating the nerves. The common symptoms of a whiplash injury are pain, stiffness, headaches and dizziness. Recovery time depends on the individual and extent of the injury, but usually takes at least three weeks.
Low Level Laser Therapy rapidly reduces the pain, inflammation and joint swelling associated with whiplash and neck injury.
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Inhibits transference of neurotransmitters
* Stimulated production of Beta Endorphins
* Interferes with the production of prostaglandins
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve, the main nerve that runs through the wrist. Symptoms include numbness, pins and needles and pain in the hand and wrist that continues up the arm. The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome usually begin gradually, with burning, tingling, itching and numbness in the palm of the hand and fingers. The symptoms will often appear first in one or both hands during the night. As the symptoms worsen, people might feel tingling during the day and a decrease in the strength and ability to grip. In chronic or untreated cases, the muscles at the base of the thumb may deteriorate. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be aided through surgery which involves severing the band of tissue around the wrist to reduce the pressure on the median nerve. Although symptoms may be relieved immediately after surgery, full recovery from Carpal Tunnel surgery can take months and physical therapy is recommended after surgery to restore strength to the wrist.
Low Level Laser Therapy rapidly reduces the pain, inflammation and joint swelling associated with Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and aids in a speedier recovery from surgery with a reduction in possible scar formation.
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Inhibits transference of neurotransmitters
* Stimulates production of Beta Endorphins
* Interferes with the production of prostaglandins
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
* Assists in the control of scar tissue formation
* Hypertrophic Scar reduction
* Keloid Scar inhibition and remodeling
The Tempero-Mandibular-Joint or TMJ is the joint where the mandible (the jaw) joins the temporal bone of the scull. TMJ pain is caused by the wear and tear (overuse) of the two joints that connect the jaw to the skull. It’s symptoms include ear pain, sore jaw muscles, temple and cheek pain, jaw popping and clicking, locking of the jaw, difficulty in opening the mouth fully and frequent head and neck aches.
Low Level Laser Therapy can be used to reduce the pain, inflammation and joint swelling associated with TMJ Pain.
* Increases joint mobility
* Used on myofascial trigger points to relieve oral facial pain
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
Low Level Laser Therapy has been shown to rapidly reduce pain, swelling, bruising and significantly reduce healing time. Continued treatment will effectively minimise the appearance of scars and assist in reducing tissue adhesion and the formation of thick, raised Keloid scars.
Low Level Laser Therapy reduces the pain, inflammation and joint swelling associated with surgical procedures. Normal healing processes are accelerated and there is a decrease in the degeneration of injured nerves.
* Improved immune response
* Rapidly relieves post operative pain and oedema
* Controls scar tissue formation and inhibits tissue adhesion and necrosis
* Improves survival rate of transplanted tissue and skin grafts
* Earlier formation of blood and lymph vessel regeneration
* Reconstructive, Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
* Orthopedic Surgery
* Dental and Oral Surgery
* Liposuction and Fat Transplantation
* After Erbium, CO2 Laser skin Resurfacing, Dermabrasion and Skin Peels
* Skin Grafts and Flaps
* Peripheral Nerve Injury and Micro Surgery
* Non-Healing Wounds, Ulcers, Burns and Injuries
Low Level Laser Therapy has been shown to rapidly reduce pain, swelling, bruising and significantly reduce the healing time associated with Dental Surgery. Low Level Laser Therapy is effective in all periodontal diseases and can also be used for peri-operative anaesthesia with acupuncture prior to minor oral surgery.
* As an adjunct to root canal therapy to clear necrotic tissue and haematoma
* Reduction of gingivitis and mouth ulcers
* Relief of pain in acute pulpitis and following extractions
* Used on myofascial trigger points to relieve oral facial pain
* Rapidly relieves post operative pain and oedema
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
Pulpitis refers to the inflammation of the dental pulp within the tooth. The “pulp” contains the blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue inside a tooth and provides the tooth’s blood and nutrients. Pulpitis is mainly caused by a bacterial infection, which itself is a result of caries (tooth decay). Pulpitis is usually described as tooth sensitivity and extreme pain when colds or sweets are applied to the tooth.
Low Level Laser Therapy is effective in all periodontal diseases and reduces the pain and inflammation associated with pulpitis.
* Reduction of gingivitis and mouth ulcers
* Relief of pain in acute pulpitis and following extractions
* Used on myofascial trigger points to relieve oral facial pain
* Rapidly relieves post operative pain and oedema
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
Liposuction is a procedure in which localised deposits of fat are removed to re-contour an area of the body. While Liposuction can enhance a patient’s appearance and self-confidence, it won’t necessarily create the patient’s ‘ideal’ body image and it is important to understand that Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves risks and complications. It is also important to remember that Liposuction is not a substitute for good diet and regular exercise and is completely cosmetic.
Low Level Laser Therapy rapidly reduces the pain, swelling and bruising associated with Liposuction and significantly reduces healing time. Continued treatment will reduce tissue adhesion and the formation of thick raised Keloid and Hypertrophic scars.
* Rapidly relieves post operative pain and oedema
* Controls scar tissue formation and inhibits tissue adhesion and necrosis
* Earlier formation of new blood and lymph cells
* Enhances micro-circulation
* Stimulates proliferation of connective tissue and epithelial tissue
* Reduces cellulitis
Venous Stasis refers to the loss of proper function of the veins in the legs that would normally carry blood back toward the heart. This may occur following injury to the veins, which can result in blood clots in the superficial veins known as superficial phlebitis, or following blood clots in the deep veins known as deep venous thrombosis. Faulty nervous valves allow blood to collect in the lower leg stopping the blood flow.
Low Level Laser Therapy has been shown to increase blood circulation. Good circulation is vital to the ongoing health and maintenance of the human body and our immune system.
* Improve skin metabolism and venous drainage
* Improves blood flow to lower limbs and feet
* Enhances micro-circulation
* Earlier formation of new blood and lymph cells
Lymphoedema is a condition that can occur due to genetic influences or sometimes after limb injuries or surgical removal of lymph nodes, which can interfere with normal flow of lymph fluid, causing an accumulation of excess fluid within the tissues.
Low Level Laser Therapy is highly beneficial in draining excess fluid from swollen arms and legs by instigating dilation of lymphatic vessels and reducing the associated fibrosis through natural processes.
* Improves skin metabolism and lymphatic drainage
* Assist in reducing both primary and secondary lymphoedema
Overtime soft tissue can react to the build up of metabolic wastes that are not being drained away effectively by the lymphatic system, this bacterial infection of the skin is known as Cellulitis. Symptoms of Cellulitis may include redness, swelling, tenderness, blistering and increased warmth. The symptoms of Cellulitis are usually localised to the affected area but patients can become generally unwell with fevers, chills and shakes.
Low Level Laser Therapy is highly beneficial in draining this excess fluid and reducing the associated inflammation and swelling associated with Cellulitis.
* Improves skin metabolism and lymphatic drainage
* Reduces oedema and fibrosis associated Cellulitis
Non-Invasive acupuncture can also be used to suppress both nicotine addictions and overactive appetites.
* Faster than needle acupuncture
* No risk of needle entrapment
* Ideal alternative for children and needle phobic clients
Natural chemicals called endorphins, decrease when nicotine levels drop. Low Level Laser Therapy is applied to specific points on the ear and face, stimulating an increase in natural endorphins, helping to reduce the craving for nicotine and the desire to smoke.

A sluggish metabolism, decreased endorphins and hormone levels are the main factors that initiate overindulgence. Low Level Laser Therapy is used to stimulate metabolism and free endorphins and hormones that naturally suppress appetite and general stress.
Tinnitus is constant buzzing, ringing or whistling in the ear. It is a symptom, not a disease and is frequently related to a disorder of the inner ear or auditory nerve as a result of the exposure to loud sounds, extreme stress or trauma, ear problems and even some prescription and non-prescription drugs.
There are two types of tinnitus: subjective tinnitus, which is heard only by the person experiencing it and objective tinnitus, which is actually heard by another person as well as the person who is experiencing the sounds.
Low Level Laser Therapy accelerates the healing process of the the inner ear.
* Enhances micro-circulation
* Stimulates proliferation of connective tissue and epithelial tissue
Ulcers are non-healing wounds that develop on the skin, mucous membranes or the eyes. Although they have many causes, they are most commonly caused by a type of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Physical or emotional stress may not necessarily cause an ulcer, but it can aggravate an ulcer if you have one. Ulcers can also be caused by anti-inflammatory medicines. Ulcers are marked by the loss of integrity of the area, secondary infection of the area by bacteria, fungus or virus, generalised weakness of the client and a delay in the healing process.
Low Level Laser Therapy increases the healing rate and shortens the healing time in both Venous & Arterial Ulcers. Low Level Laser Therapy reduces the pain and inflammation associated with ulcers.
* Improved immune response
* Stimulates proliferation of connective tissue and epithelial tissue
The Mucosa, mucous membranes, are linings of mostly germal origin, covered in tissue and are involved in absorption and secretion. They line various body cavities that are exposed to the external environment and internal organs. At several places, the mucosa is continuous with skin: at the nostrils, the lips, the ears, the genital area, and the anus.
Moist tissue lining, such as the nose and mouth, can be treated with Low Level Laser Therapy. The duration of inflammation is reduced, proliferation begins sooner and the rate of wound contraction and angiogenesis is increased.
* Improved immune response
* Stimulates proliferation of connective tissue and epithelial tissue
* Reduction of gingivitis and mouth ulcers
Dupuytrens is the contracture and shortening of tough connective tissues in the palm of the hand resulting in the fingers being slowly drawn toward the palms or wrist. Often beginning as a tender lump in the palm, over time pain associated with the condition tends to go away, but tough bands of tissue may develop. These bands, which reduce mobility, are visible on the surface of the palm and may appear similar to a small callus.
Low Level Laser Therapy reduces the pain, inflammation and joint swelling associated with Dupuytrens and aids in the speedier return of functionality.
* Rapid analgesic effect lasting for several or more hours
* Assists in preventing long term nerve and soft tissue damage
* Accelerates the repair of tendons, ligaments and muscles
* Mediates inflammatory pathways via photo-therapy induced chemical responses
* Improves cartilage regeneration
Neurodermatitis, also known as Lichen Simplex Chronicus, is a chronic form of dermatitis. This persistent itching, usually of the forearm, back of the neck or outer part of the ankles results in the affected patches of skin often having a leathery or scaly texture. The patches may be raw, red or darker than the rest of your skin.
With Low Level Laser Therapy, inflamed skin and allergic reactions can improve dramatically following the very first treatment. Natural immune responses are acted upon to reduce skin infection and inflammation.
* Improves skin hypersensitivity
* Improves immune response
* Earlier formation of new blood and lymph cells
* Enhances micro-circulation
* Stimulates proliferation of connective tissue and epithelial tissue
* Inhibits infection
* Alleviates chronic skin conditions